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The answer lies in the customer and their expectations.

A business, by definition, must generate profits and marketing encourages both parties, the customer and the business, to win in the business relationship.

The primary objective of any business is profitability, without profits the chances of survival in the market disappear.

To achieve these benefits you have to know the rules of the game and constantly adapt to the target market you are targeting.

From this Blog we show you marketing as one more work tool so that you can use it effectively in your business.

We are going to break down the different variables that relate Social Media write for us and marketing from the perspective of a micro-enterprise that does not have more departments than the two hands of its owner.

The profitability of your occupational will depend on the decisions you make, always based on the needs of your client.

 The objective of your corporate should be to satisfy the needs of your client and make money with it, not to sell products in a store.

 Once the crisis is over, some may think that it is only a matter of time to resume the consumption habits prior to 2007, but things have changed too much for this to happen, the scenario is different.

We can achieve greater relief in consumption but habits have changed.

Now it is the consumer who says how, when and why he wants to have a relationship with you and, if you want to interact with him, you will have to follow his rules.

This does not necessarily have to be bad, the changes caused by the crisis and the new generations are recovering traditional values that drive the buyer to closer and more specialized stores.

All businesses are based on the same thing, selling something to someone and doing it in the largest possible quantity, with the highest possible profit margin and the highest possible purchase frequency ( kpis ).

Based on this common objective, each one will choose a business model that serves to achieve sales, this model defines the business purpose and determines the results.

The most basic business model may be barter, followed by more complex ones.

Traditionally, traders have had to adapt to various social changes.

On many occasions, even anticipating changes and creating them, being able to interpret the available evidence.

Merchants have always known that in order to sell at a profit, it is vital to plan campaigns and buy enough merchandise without going overboard.

But the evolution of society requires the evolution of business and with it that of marketing.

There are still many productions that rely on the product as the foundation of their business.

If you are wondering what marketing is, for me the best definition is: "Meeting the needs of your market profitably."





